Economy of my body: February 28, 2022

€ 16,780.547

value of one body

Under capitalism each post-biological body requires certain economic values as to keep it alive. These requirements consists of the value of maintaining it through the everyday (housing, food, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, visa applications…). The everyday is performed online/offline in the context of biopower.

Economy of my body is an auto-ethnographic project that will be ongoing for a year. The more money I spend on food, shelter and maintenance of the everyday, the more the value of my body will increase. In parallel, my search history and the assigned categorization of my personalized ads are made visible as to understand how data tracking is influencing my purchasing choices.

All data is inserted manually, as I become the machine who is performing the labor of my own economy.

Value of maintenance started on 01 March, 2021

Specs of Riad’s body.